IC Number | IC Name |
74LS04 | Hex Inverting Gates |
74LS08 | Quad 2-input AND Gates |
74LS86 | Quad 2-input Exclusive-OR Gates |
1-Bit Magnitude Comparator - The Digital Comparator is another very useful combinational logic circuit used to compare the value of two binary digits. A magnitude digital Comparator is a combinational circuit that compares two digital or binary numbers in order to find out whether one binary number is equal, less than or greater than the other binary number. We logically design a circuit for which we will have two inputs one for A and another for B and have three output terminals, one for A > B condition, one for A = B condition and one for A < B condition.
A comparator used to compare two bits is called a single bit comparator. It consists of two inputs each for two single-bit numbers and three outputs to generate less than, equal to and greater than between two binary numbers
Digital comparators actually use Exclusive-NOR gates within their design for comparing their respective pairs of bits. When we are comparing two binary or BCD values or variables against each other, we are comparing the “magnitude” of these values, a logic “0” against a logic “1” which is where the term Magnitude Comparator comes from.